Testimonials | Bikinilists

Testimonials from users of our platform

Thought you might be keen to know that I booked the biggest gig of my career-thus-far late last year, thanks in part to Bikinilists!

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Matt Schwerin

We contacted 3 major creative agencies and subsequently pitched for various projects that totalled £135,000.

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Production Company

I just made my first list and it worked out very well. I am totally happy about it. It was the right decision to work with Bikinilists!

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Dirk Schaper
Photography & Art Direction

The contacts are relevant and we've noticed a significant increase in our outreach and engagement over the last 12 months.

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Germaine Walker
Photo Reps

We love that it’s an excellent resource & so on it when we submit research requests. We’re very impressed!

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Julia King
Shortlist Management

Bikinilists' new platform enables AICP members to connect with new business opportunities around the globe.

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AICP New York

Using Bikinilists has got us attention in our target markets. We get requests and assignments directly after mailings.

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Julia & Ingolf

Super helpful folks, with a database of genuinely relevant industry contacts. A positive for my journey as an illustrator!

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Marcus Marritt

Agency Source is the most valuable and well thought-out tool for reaching clients worldwide I have ever used!

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Kristina Snyder

Our marketing campaigns are now sharper, on-point and more varied... I wholeheartedly recommend Bikinilists!

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Philip Dupée
Love Commercial

Boggles my mind when an agency producer tells me they've left their agency & Bikinilists has already moved them to the new place!

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Marci Selsberg
Part @ BlahUSA

They're exceptional at finding and connecting with creative decision-makers, enabling us to reach the right people, time after time!

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Pat Bates & Associates
Artists' Rep

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