Secrets of a Top Photographer | News | Bikinilists

Secrets of a Top Photographer

Secrets of a Top Photographer

Published by Steph - 22nd July 2021

secrets of a top photographer

Bikinilists interviewed top Advertising Photographer Adam Swords...

Hi Adam! Firstly, What made you choose BikiniLists?
I was recommended Bikinilists by another photographer friend of mine. Even though I'm in the advertising industry, I really value word of mouth recommendations especially those from my peers and so I decided to take a closer look at what Bikinilists could offer me.

What has been your experience of working with BikiniLists?
Since I first signed up I've always had exceptional service from Bikinilists. I don't often need to contact them directly as the user interface is very simple and easy to use, but any direct contact I have had has always been a pleasure.

Has it been easy to promote on a regular basis?
The beauty of the service is that you can schedule as many campaigns as your budget allows for - if you want to do one a week, go ahead. I personally try to get something out every 4-6 weeks so that I always have fresh, high quality work to show to art buyers.

What have been the benefits to your business with the USA market specifically?
Relocating from the UK to the USA was certainly a daunting prospect. But as soon as I arrived here I was able to access a huge database of art buyers which was invaluable in kick starting my business on this side of the pond. I can't even imagine where I would have started trying to get contact details for all of those people had I not been a subscriber.

Have you secured new clients / appointments as a result of using our service?
I've set up meetings as a direct result of having access to the bikinilists database over here and if all goes to plan, will be bidding on shoots within the next 4-6 weeks.

What would you say to someone else that is considering using BikiniLists?
The beauty of Bikinilists is that it takes a huge amount of stress out of marketing your photography business. As I said, trying to get the contact information of all of the art buyers I have contacted without having access to the Bikinilists database would have been a monumental job. The best piece of advice I can give though is to make it clear that Bikinilists is not there to do the hard work for you. It's a foot in the door, a handshake, the first step on the way to landing that dream gig. Don't expect to subscribe to Bikinilists, sit back and see the jobs flooding in. You still have to hustle and at the end of the day it's the quality of your work that will win you the job. So as long as you understand that the Bikinilists service is a marketing tool and not a complete solution, you'll have a lot of success with it.

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